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– Inspired by my experiences, coaching, and this incredible journey called life.

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Darlene Taylor

Feature: Navigating Parenthood and Understanding Parenting Styles

Author, co-parenting educator and advocate, Darlene Taylor, spoke with Courtney Leiva of Today’s Parent to talk about how parents can navigate parenthood and speaks about different parenting styles. In the Today’s Parent article, you can read Darlene and other parenting expert’s advice on: Find the full article on Today’s Parents here. You can find more co-parenting, divorce, and embracing the…

Darlene Taylor

Feature: 8 Ways To Help Make The Transition To Co-Parenting As Smooth As Possible

Author, co-parenting educator and advocate, Darlene Taylor, spoke with Graham Techler of Fatherly to talk about 8 ways to prioritizing a smooth co-parenting transition, and finding value in the new version of your parenting relationship. In the Fatherly article, you can read Darlene’s advice on: Find the full article on Fatherly here. You can find more co-parenting, divorce, and embracing…

Darlene Taylor

Women’s Journal: Advice for Joe Jonahs and Sophia Turner Divorce

Author, parenting expert, and co-parenting coach, Darlene Taylor, spoke with Women’s Journal to talk about the pitfalls of celebrity divorces and the repercussions for their children. Darlene offers advice and tips for couples on ways to create a loving and supportive environment for their two small children. In the Women’s Journal article, you can read Darlene’s advice on: Read the…

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I love to promote other voices and share new perspectives. Everyone has a story, something important to say and I want to make sure people hear it.

If you have a topic, a previous blog, a new blog idea, or a co-parenting story to share and would like to be a guest blogger, please reach out!

P.S. Podcast coming Soon!